Completing the Attributes of Several Assets at Once
If you want to edit the attributes of several assets simultaneously, the following mandatory attributes must be identical:
Asset type
Virtual database (VDB), which means the set of users for which the asset is visible.
at least one category
Mandatory attributes of the asset type
These attributes must be edited to access the asset in the module. The other attributes may differ and can then be edited separately for each asset.
Click > Assets > or click directly after an upload .
Select the import you want to edit:
If you want to edit the last import, it is already displayed in the expanded state at the top of the list.
If you want to edit another import:
Click on the name of the import to open it on a separate page.
This is the only option in the list view.
In gallery mode, click on the arrow
after the name.
This expands the import folder without leaving the overview.
The content of the selected import folder is displayed.
The Import page displaying all previous imports is loaded.
Choose one of the following options to select multiple assets:
If you only want to delete only pending assets in the import folder, select the filter
in the toolbar. -
If you want to select all of the assets contained in the import folder, activate the filter
in the toolbar. This includes assets that have already been edited.-
To select a range of assets, click on the tile of the first asset to edit. Hold down the Shift key and click on the last asset in the import folder you want to edit. Note: Holding down the Shift key for marking assets also works during scrolling in a long list, but the range selection does not work across several expanded import folders.
Optional: To select and mark multiple assets, either click on the assets to be selected one after the other or directly on the + symbol in the footer of each asset tile. This allows you to mark multiple assets without having to select an entire area. Note: A multiple selection also works for multiple import folders after you expand them by clicking the down arrow
at the end of the row.
The assets you have selected are each marked with a checkbox.
Click the pencil icon with the Edit button in the footer of the window and select .Edit all assets at once.
The dialog for editing the asset attributes opens.
In the displayed dialog box, you edit the attributes of several selected asset attributes simultaneously. Note in particular the mandatory fields. Edit the required fields under two conditions:
- You want these attributes to receive the same value in all of the selected assets.
- These attributes have not been filled yet. (Exceptions are the Asset name and Tags mandatory fields. Asset name is always prefilled and Tags may be prefilled. Editing is therefore not required in each case.)
Select the asset type from the Asset Type drop-down menu.
The attributes assigned to the asset type are loaded and displayed.
Complete the asset attributes.
Note: You must complete at least the required attributes in order to save your entries. Required attributes are marked with an asterisk (*).
Click Save and close.
You have completed the import of the files and have turned them into assets. The edited assets are now available in the Media Pool module.